01822870362 / 07713585196

Designed to fit industry standard CAT I linkages. This high reach hedge trimmer is fitted with a PTO driven hydraulic pump, which means the hedge trimmer is independent of the tractor’s hydraulics. The finger bar and flail heads are interchangeable. Pictured is a flail hedge trimmer for cutting verges, orchards, grass and hedges. The flail hedge trimmer has a 2.5m reach with an option of 0.8m head or 1m head.
The front end loader hedge trimmer has many advantages such as simple operation, low noise, and lightweight.
It can be fitted to tractors, compact tractors, yard loaders as well as wheel loaders, and front loaders using Euro adaptors or by using pallet forks. The cutting device is powered through the tractor’s hydraulic system.
With a 4.9m or 5.7m reach this hedge trimmer is fitted with a PTO driven hydraulic pump, which means the hedge trimmer is independent of the tractor’s hydraulics.
Siromer's high reach finger bar hedge trimmer can be operated by 24 - 75hp tractors and is able to cut on top of a 4.1m hedge with a 1.9m cutting head and is able to cut on the left and right side.
Available with forward reach and electric controls